Networking Hubs
NEW: Networking Cluster Events 2024
Through a generous supplement to our conference grant from NSF Perception, Action and Cognition program, WiCS+ is able to support small group networking events during the upcoming meeting of the Psychonomic Society in NYC in November. Imagine “Coffee with the Computational Cognition Crew” or “Appetizers and Attention” events.
It is up to each group to self-organize (with some support available from WiCS+; e.g., help create a Google Form to gather information you need) and plan a small gathering during the course of the conference.
WiCS+ will be able to support each Networking Cluster Event at up to $200 for allowable expenses (food and non-alcoholic beverages.)
In order to receive reimbursement for the event, you will need the following:
Prior communication with WiCS+ leadership about the date/time and location of the event
Evidence of an invitation for the event to the full networking hub membership
A list of all attendees of the event including affiliation and career stage
Receipts that clearly indicated food and non-alcoholic beverage purchases
Please click onto this FORM to update your Networking Hub affiliation and to express interest in a Networking Cluster Event.
The WiCS Networking Hubs encourage short-term and long-term connections among members of the WiCS community. The hubs allow for networking opportunities aligned with varied professional goals, within and across career stages, and on time scales that fit the flow of research and the academic year. The links below connect to documents that can be adapted to serve the developing needs of the community of scholars involved in each hub. The hubs are loosely defined around a broad research topic or approach in the field of cognitive science. Each hub is supported by a lightly-curated, shared database that individual researchers may populate with their contact information, research topics, and networking interests and availability. WiCS may occasionally support hub activities through hosting and promoting synchronous events; however, the primary intent is for these documents to serve as a point of contact for individual users with specific needs or offerings.
Build inclusive networks of researchers across career stages within topical areas to support scientific collaborations
Facilitate member-led opportunities to share research and seek mentoring
Promote the visibility of women through facilitating speaker invitations, review requests, and other opportunities for recognition
*WiCS is happy to affiliate with this standing group, organized by Julie Bugg and Tobias Egner. The mission statement for Women in Control.
WiCS Networking Hubs are intended for use by the research community to support and promote the careers of women in cognitive science. Individuals are encouraged to reach out to other members of the group for networking. Considerate use of the contact information is expected.
Click on the Networking Hubs below to connect with researchers in particular themed areas. You can join a hub by adding your name and contact information to the spreadsheet. Then start connecting!
Networking Hubs
Action & Motor Control
Applied Cognition
Cognitive Development
Computational Cognition
Judgement & Decision Making
Spatial Cognition