Kristi S. Multhaup
Davidson College
Kristi S. Multhaup is the Vail Professor at Davidson College where currently she is serving as the Psychology Department's chair. Her main research interest is in cognitive aging, particularly the mechanisms that are responsible for memory changes and, in some cases, the lack of memory changes in healthy older adults. Specialty areas include source memory (e.g., where did you learn information: a friend, a TV show, Facebook?), autobiographical memory, and inhibitory control (e.g., what we use to name the color of ink in RED "black"). Kristi also enjoys helping students develop research projects in cognition that are not necessarily about aging and projects in aging that are not necessarily about cognition. She has a growing interest in collective memory and teaches a multi-disciplinary course on that topic in addition to courses on memory, aging, life stories, and issues in psychology (senior capstone). In 2007, Kristi was deeply honored to be a recipient of the Hunter-Hamilton Love of Teaching Award.