Sarah Shomstein

George Washington University

Sarah Shomstein is the Thelma Hunt Professor and Chair of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the George Washington University. She received a BS in Psychology in 1998 from Carnegie Mellon University and her PhD in Psychological and Brain Sciences in 2003 from the Johns Hopkins University. After returning to Carnegie Mellon for a post-doctoral fellowship, she joined GWU’s faculty in 2007. Her research focuses on elucidating the mechanisms of attentional selection. Namely, examining factors that influence attentional selection with the focus of being able to predict what aspects of the perceptual environment are more efficiently represented in the human brain and subsequently impact behavior.  Work in her laboratory is supported by federal grants fand she regularly sits on various panels and study sections at both NIH and NSF. She is also the first female Editor-In-Chief of Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. She is a Fellow of the Psychonomic Society.
